Monday, May 1, 2023

Deploy Windows LAPS [Step by step guide]


Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) is a free solution that provides a secure way to manage local administrator passwords on Windows computers. LAPS works by randomly generating a complex password for the local administrator account on each computer and storing it securely in Active Directory/. The password is then periodically changed and updated, helping to prevent attackers from gaining access to the local administrator account and compromising the computer or network. LAPS is a simple and effective way to improve the security of local administrator accounts across an organization's network.

Windows LAPS is the newer solution  Microsoft has introduced to us. It's much easy to deploy and much easy to maintain the Administrative password.  Windows LAPS also adds many features that aren't available in legacy Microsoft LAPS. You can use Windows LAPS to back up passwords to Azure Active Directory, encrypt passwords in Windows Server Active Directory, and store your password history.

Windows LAPS doesn't required to install any agent on the PCs like legacy Microsoft LAPS. Old day we used MECM (SCCM), GPO or Any 3rd party application to Deploy the client. 

Windows LAPS Support Hybrid Azure AD  Join and Azure AD join but doesn't support the Azure AD registered.  

Same as Microsoft LAPS, Windows LAPS also freely available with Azure AD basic and above but you might be need to purchase Azure AD Premium plan 1 or plan 2 for conditional Access and Intune license for benefit the Windows LAPS other features.

   Supported Operation systems 

Manage DSRM Password

Another interesting  New feature is that you can Manage the DSRM Account password using Windows LAPS. I have Seen many organization they are hardly changing the Password on the DSMR account and most of the time IT Administrator has forgets the password. Most companies they Take Daily backups and when there is a disaster happen, they forget the DSRM password. This Password we set when we promote the AD. This Password we need when we restore the Domain Controller. 

There are Two method we can Deploy the Windows LAPS.
01. Windows LAPS with Intune & Azure Active directory
02. Windows LAPS with GPO

01. Windows LAPS with Intune & Azure Active directory 

  1. Go to Azure Portal ( and Azure Active directory
  2. Open and Devices and select Device Settings
  3. Enable Azure AD Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)

4. Go to Intune Admin Portal and open Endpoint Security

5. Select Account Protection 

6. Create a new Policy


7. Select Windows 10 and later and Select Local admin password solution (LAPS)

8.  Create the Policy

9. Change the configuration as Required

Enable Built-in Administrator Account

By Default Built-in Administrator Account account is disable on the AAD-Joined Devices. follow below configuration to enable the Administrator account. 

  1. In the Intune Admin portal. go to Devices. 
  2. New Configuration Profile
  3. Select Windows 10 and Later
  4. Select Template
  5. Select Custom

6. Provide name and Fill the configuration as below


7. Assign the Policy

With these configuration you have successfully Deploy the Windows LAPS with Azure AD.   

 Create a New local account

personally I like to create a new account for deployment rather we using the built in administrator. steps are below. 

  1. In the Intune Admin portal. go to Devices. 
  2. New Configuration Profile
  3. Select Windows 10 and Later
  4. Select Template
  5. Select Custom
  6. Provide name and Fill the configuration as below
    •  Name: Create Local User Account
    •  OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Accounts/Users/ABCadmin/Password
    •  Data type: String
    • Value: mmMM12!@


7. Select Add

    •   Name: Add user to Local administrator group
    •  OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Accounts/Users/ABCadmin/LocalUserGroup
    •  Data type: Integer
    • Value: 2


Retrieve the password

There are few places you can retrieve the password. 
Azure AD portal > Devices > Local administrator password recovery
Intune Portal > Devices > All Devices > Select the Devices > Local administrator password recovery

02.Windows LAPS with GPO

Frist you need to check, your Schema has Extended to LAPS. if not you need to type below command


Once it Done. if you open the Computer Properties. you will see the LAPS Tab

Set Permission for OU

Set-LapsADComputerSelfPermission -Identity "Computers"

# Or with the full distinguishedName:
Set-LapsADComputerSelfPermission -Identity "OU=Computers,OU=Amsterdam,OU=Sites,DC=lazyadmin,DC=nl"

Then you can Configure LAPS Group Policies
  1. Open the Group Policy Management
  2. Create a new Computer Policy
  3. Right click and Edit then Navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > LAPS

4. Open Configure password backup directory Select the Manage AD. (if device are not manage on Azure AD. select Active directory) 


5. Open Password Settings and enable the setting and Enable


 There are other policies that you can configure. 

  • Enable Password backup for DSRM account - This will backup the DSRM administrator account to Active directory 
  • Configure size of encrypted password history - specified number of older passwords will be stored in Active Directory.
  • Enable Password encryption - managed password is encrypted before being sent to Active Directory. Password has to backup to Active directory and Domain functional level has to be 2016 and above.
  • Configure authorized password decryptors - specific user or group who is authorized to decrypt encrypted passwords.
  • Name of Administrator account to manage -  specifies a custom Administrator account name to manage the password for. Built in administrator account doesn't not need this policy. auto-detected by well-known SID and does not depend on the administrator account name. 



You can troubleshoot using event viewer.

Event Viewer > Application and services logs > Microsoft > Windows > LAPS



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